May 25, 2009

...feel free to not read this one

A long pause, now a deep sigh, and the symphony starts again.

My parents came to visit last week, breaking a long record of not leaving North America. Can I write that again? My parents flew to Chile to visit me for a week. That´s pretty sweet. It was a week of chaotic togetherness, fueled by an inhuman amount of desserts and miles of steps across the sidewalks of ViƱa and Valparaiso. We saw sights, tasted foods, met friends, bickered, changed plans, changed them again, and took a crap ton of pictures. In this moment I can´t conjure up any sort of list of what we did, those memories have already taken their place as a permenant warm-fuzzy for me to retreat to when words fall short and reality is a cold concrete bench. In fact, I am a bit brain dead right now, so I´m not sure why I thought it would be a good idea to write a blog. I just took a major exam and, now that it´s finished, need to start studying for the next major exam I have... which is tomorrow at 11:45. I´m consumed with school right now, which is a nasty feeling. But it´s a different kind of consumption, I´m remaining calm, feelin´groovy. I have too many things to be thankful for to let any peas in the mattress ruin my party. I happen to be part of the best family there is -- not just my birth family, my host family, or all the other families here and in the States who have adopted me -- God´s family. I´m typing-then-erasing here trying to make this not sound like the same cheezy sermon, but words really just haven´t been my forte here lately. But you get the idea.

On a compltely unrelated note, I have developed a bunch of gardening ambitions while I´m here that I hope will be actualized when I get back in the states. I´m really excited to grow things like Broccoli and Tomatoes and Squash and Tulips. I also think it would be cool to have chickens someday so I can have fresh eggs. I don´t think my apartment complex would allow that.


Molly said...

is it ok that this might be my favorite of your blogs?

ps. AHHHHHH!!!! my word verification isn chili!!!!! CHILI!!!!

Jary-Hottie said...

That would be awesome!! my lil brother and I have been wanting to start an organic garden here in bville in our back yard so we can start composting and have our own veggies!!!

love you!

mayailana said...

hey hey my family has chickens! they are already cool. and they have a garden.
just in case you didn't know.
also you are part of my family- whether you like it or not.

Kim said...

speaking of chickens, there are these 3 teenage chicks that live in the little courtyard of our hostel, and they are so cute! the courtyard has tons of flowers and makes me happy every time i leave my room. as for the gardening ambitions, go for it.