May 28, 2008

un pequenito

just a quick update...i have to go back to class in 10 mintes. I just took a quiz and apparently I suddently now know all the rivers, mountain, provinces, capitals, climates, and languages of Spain. Well, at least I´m learning something! Today has been uneventful - except for my coffee this morning. My seƱora left it out for me to make, and it was instant coffee that didn´t tell how much coffee to add to how much liquid, so i proceeded to put the equivalent of what must have been like 3 cups of coffee into my little cup. Needless to say I was a bit jittery this morning, which may have contributed to our getting lost on the walk to school. Sometimes I feel like I´m in Harry Potter except that instead of moving staircases they are moving streets.

Other than that I´ve been stuying, reading, and in class today. I think I might go down to the river with some friends later to check it out. Friday is a holiday here (some saint?) so we don´t have classes, and a lot of people will be at the river or beach then. I think I might go to Italica, which is an old city right next to Sevilla with some pretty amazing Roman ruins, including an old colloseum.

p.s.- please ignore all the typos and misspellings and i read back i see tons of errors...and i blame it on being in a hurry and hot in this little computer lab.

ok i have to go back to class!!!


1 comment:

Embily said...

I'm having such a great time reading about your journeys! Thank you so much for taking your time to do this; i know often times I'd rather live it then try to help others live through me. I miss you so much, but your description confirms that you're having a blast. I'm sure it's beautiful there...keep taking those pictures (I know I won't mind going through every one of them...especially if it's with you). Love and miss you. :o)